OnCampus Southampton is committed to the success of our students.
We understand that providing support enables all of them to study effectively, progress to our partner university, and enjoy their life and experience of studying and living in Southampton.
We provide a broad range of advice and guidance on personal, practical, and academic issues.
Learn more about the support OnCampus offers at all of our centres by visiting our student support page.
How can we help?
When you enrol on your programme of study at OnCampus Southampton, you will be assigned a Personal Tutor who will be responsible for ensuring you have adequate academic support during your time with us.
Your Personal Tutor is the first person you should go to if you have a problem. If they can't help you, they will be able to direct you to someone who can. You will also have regular tutorial sessions with them, which will cover material like correct academic referencing, adjusting to life in the UK, and preparing for your successful progression to your university course.
In addition, your Centre Head, Deputy Centre Head, Student Recruitment and Support Officer, and Curriculum Information Officer are always pleased to be able to help you with any issues you may be having.
At OnCampus Southampton, we have dedicated Pastoral Welfare support to:
- be on hand to assist you with any difficulties you may face throughout your studies.
- oversee the Personal Tutorial system at OnCampus Southampton, ensuring that you are given supportive weekly tutorial sessions.
- run the Student Representative Council, which strives to give you a voice during your programme and actively obtain and respond to feedback.
- establish a termly welfare-check system as part of Personal Tutorials aimed at giving additional support to you if you are under the age of 18.
Students from each course are elected by their peers to represent the views of students at the Staff-Student Liaison Committees. These meetings happen once a term and are designed to improve the management and enhancement of your programmes of study.
Staff and students consult each other on all aspects of their learning experience and future developments. Student Reps will communicate with their peers to gather feedback on their courses and attend meetings to discuss this feedback in centre and then with the other student representatives nationally once a term.
It is a chance to really make a difference, to improve their student experience. It's a great thing to put on a CV and will impress prospective employers.
OnCampus Southampton aims to provide a high-quality educational experience, designed to ensure that students excel both academically and personally. As such, we aim to ensure that all students are treated as individuals and that needs are met accordingly. Those students that are within the scope of the definition of disabled will be supported with regard to integration into both the pastoral and academic programmes. Please let us know if you have any disability (physical and/or mental) and require adequate adjustment by being open with us when completing the application form.
Students registered in the UK for full-time courses of six months or more are eligible to receive full health care from the National Health Service (NHS) regardless of country of origin. You will have the same rights to health care as a UK resident. This means that you register with a GP (local doctor), receive hospital treatment, treatment for pre-existing conditions and full maternity services. You have to pay for dental (teeth) services. In addition, optical (eye) services are not available on the NHS so you may have to pay for them.
Important: You may be eligible for help with the cost of prescriptions, dental and optical services on the basis of low income. For further information, please refer to the NHS website for their information on NHS costs and exemptions.
Students studying at OnCampus for less than six months will need to pay for all healthcare treatment. For these students, we strongly recommend taking out health insurance before coming to the UK. You are encouraged to register at a GP surgery at the earliest convenience.